Sugar Licking
Sugar Licking
Fun for the entire family! A tradition since the Sugar Camp was first opened in the early 70's by Old Joe.
At the end of every winter, when the days become warmer but the nights are still frosty, it is time for maple syrup on ice. Our approx. 1500 maple trees are getting center-drilled and the sap, ascending in the trunk and flowing out from the trees is collected in pails. The sap is then boiled and condensed in our evaporator, and the final product is our excellent maple syrup.
Call to make group reservations for sugar licking as long as the snow lasts. (Usually from the end of February to early April)
Our packages include sugar licking and a pancake meal. Schools and company outings are welcome.
Maple Lounge
This area is set up in the roofed area which is attached to the restaurant building, where the annual sugar licking takes place.
The space is partially walled in to keep our guests protected from the elements. There are tables, a fire place and a BBQ is available. Illumination is by genuine electrified barn lanterns and carriage lanterns providing a cozy atmosphere.